Encounter Worship:SOP @ Bread of Life Christian Church in Tainan

⚠️聚會取消⚠️ 因應政府防疫升級新規定(發佈於5/15),6/2 7PM - 9PM 讚美之泉深深敬拜(台南靈糧堂場次)聚會將取消不延期,若造成您的不便,敬請見諒。讓我們繼續以禱告守望,願神光照遮蓋我們所愛的這片土地!

2021-06-02 Wednesday in Bread of Life Christian Church in Tainan, Tainan
Start: 7:00 PM

  • Date:
    6/2 (Wed)
  • Time:
  • Venue:
    Bread of Life Christian Church in Tainan
  • Address:

聚會內容:著重於深度沈浸式敬拜,敬拜中有時會分享極短經文、禱告,讓聖靈運行時間的小型聚會(非亞洲巡迴場次)。也歡迎弟兄姊妹在聚會中以繪畫及舞蹈一同敬拜(需事先於[email protected]報名)。

1. Childcare not provided.
2. If event is canceled due to extreme weather or any unavoidable circumstances by the host, we will not contact attendees individually; please do not record, take video or photos during the event.
我全然獻上賜福在這地三一頌和散那十架的大能恢復敬拜我要看見恢復敬拜 (Reprise)是耶穌的名敬拜耶穌愛使我們勇敢 / 我們愛數不盡愛祢直到永遠高舉雙手敬拜